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yes, Mother give it to me

"Show me what?"

"Well," Jessi began, "I've been taking hormones for almost six months now, so I was thinking I could show you what I really look like, underneath this ugly suit and tie."

"I bet you look hot," Mona chuckled.

Jessi disappeared into her bedroom and when she emerged half and hour later, Mona almost dropped her whiskey. Jessi was still blushing, like she was worried Mona would change her mind. A bit of drool slipped over her orchid lips as she looked Jessi up and down in awe. No way she was anything but a woman.

Her long black hair was wild, untamed and sultry against her neck and shoulders. Extensive tattoos suggested anything but a boring office worker: skulls, roses, and barbed wire circled her thighs and danced across her exposed tummy. Jessi's panties left nothing to the imagination: her small cock strained against her panties, a low cut black pair with soft pink polka dots, a bit of lacy trim, and a small bow right below the hemline. Mona could feel herself leaking onto the couch as Jessi adjusted the straps of the cutest black bra she had ever seen. The lingerie exposed almost every inch of her, from the grim reaper on her left thigh to the bullet holes inked across her right. Her plump lips, framed by a slash of glossy black lipstick, practically begged to be kissed. Smooth, soft face expertly made up. But her eyes were the best part. Big and eager, thick black liner and a bit of mascara. Glittery eyelids a deep, smoky purple. She didn't have a masculine bone in her body.

"Um, Mona? You're kind of staring..."

"It's just nice to finally meet you."

"No more lies," Jessi agreed, sitting beside Mona. "No more Henry."

She was intoxicating. Mona leaned in and kissed Jessi along the nape of her neck. She ran her tongue along the skin and savored the scent of sweet peach and something else. It was like she could smell Jessi's desire. She looked into those brown eyes and saw everything, Jessi's whole being laid out and vulnerable.

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