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My Sissy Fantasy

I crawl onto a soft rug and into the most amazingly laid out tent ever. On the right taking up two thirds of the tent is a king size air bed with matching sleeping bag and pillows. The other third which Jake and I are knelt in is carpeted the length of the tent by a lush black fur rug. Zipping the tent flap closed, Jake then slides past me and gets a towel out of his bag.
“Sorry, only got the one, so we’ll have to share.” He says handing me the towel.
“Thanks Jake.” I say smiling. I watch Jake pull the cover of an electric heater as I sit on the rug and dry myself.
“This is an amazing tent Jake.” I tell him as I watch him naked
In seconds I can feel warm air coming from the heater.
“Thanks Billi.” He says turning around and coming over to me. I hand him the towel and I watch viv-idly as he dries himself. He has an amazing body resembling that of a statue of the Greek god Atlas and I just can’t help but stare at. Hanging the towel up he reaches into a bag and pulls out two items of clothing. The first is another pair of white lycra shorts and a pair of tight pink satin panty shorts.

“sorry, it’s the only thing small enough to fit you.” He says handing me the panties. I slide them on and enjoy their caress as they slide up my legs, covering my tiny wilily and nestles between the cheeks of my bum. By the time Jake has his shorts on the tent is already warm, even though the wind and rain relentlessly hammer the tent. Moving on to the airbed, we sit on top of the sl**ping bag and chat, getting to know each other and getting very stoned. We just seem to click and a cou-ple of times I notice him looking at my all but naked body. Jake tells me that he is single and comes from a very rich family, which means he never has to work. He admits that he is spoilt and posses-sive, but from what my limited experience I tell him that I think he is the kindest, most generous person I’ve ever met. The conversation turns to past relationships and sex. I find myself being more open and honest with Jake, than I have ever been with anyone else and end up telling him all my dirty little secrets, including about my sexuality and my deepest desire to become a she-male.

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