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Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers Part 8

And, in an accompanying, albeit complimentary endeavor, I also caused the male styled clothing that you were wearing at the time to reconfigure itself into something that better suited your new lot in life as the sexy-assed little dick-teaser into which I was in the process of turning you.

"Now that I've defined and differentiated between the two types of 'real' magic that do indeed exist, how 'bout I give the two of you a brief rundown on how I ended up becoming a woman in the first place? All right?"

"As a small child, I was enamored with fairy tales, or, more specifically, I was enamored with fairy tales that had a decidedly magical aspect to them. To this day, my Mom loves telling me about how I was always walking around in my bathrobe, pretending that I was a mighty wizard.

"Do you know how some kids have invisible friends? Well, would you believe that I had an invisible dragon? His name was Smokey the Dragon, and I was adamant about how he liked to sleep out in our in the back yard, wedged in between my father's tool shed and this large oak tree, whenever he wasn't curled up under my bed, catching a couple of Z's with our cat Fluffy.

"Well, anyhow, when I was six years old, as one of my Christmas presents that year, my parents gave me a boxed set of assorted magic tricks, and that, as they say, was that! I was hooked. From that day forward, when anybody would ever ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I didn't hesitate. Nor, did I even once equivocate. I told them flat out that I wanted to be a magician.

"And, let me tell you something! Once I made up my mind that I wanted to be a magician, I never once wavered from my goal. That's to say, I started practicing until I not only learned, but had pretty much mastered ever single one of the tricks in that first of many boxed sets of magical paraphernalia that my parents gave me.

"Now, when it comes to me and my becoming a magician, I have to give my parents a hell of a lot of credit.

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