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Fun with Stephanie-Gurl at the Park!!!

“So, same time next week?” I asked Stephanie once she released my lips from her kiss. Stephanie nodded excitedly and we got straightened up and then hopped into our cars and went our separate ways for the night.

This was just a fantasy story not a real life experience like my others I have written. I wrote this after chatting with Stephanie_Gurl a bit through this site. She is an amazing person and a truly beautiful girl. I am sad that she is leaving xhamster but she’s got to do what’s best for her right now. Maybe if we are lucky she will return and grace us with her presents again someday in the future. However, I am happy I got to know her a bit before she left; I know I’m not the only one that will miss her. I would suggest trying to visit her page before it is gone; it helps to be able to put a face to the star of this story. I also feel I could write another story about this but I want to make sure people enjoy this first before I go on to another.

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