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Black Transsexual Power

When I approached her, she seemed really cool. She introduced herself as Linda Johnson, and she was really friendly. I could tell she wasn't from Ottawa. Want to know how a Black Canadian guy like myself could tell Linda came from outside Ottawa? It's not her accent, or her mannerisms. It's the simple fact that she was nice to me, a young Black man who talked to her. Black women in Ottawa make it a point to be mean to Black men. I guess that's why most Black guys in this City date women of other races. We've just about given up on Black women, man. They're too mean and too stuck up. I asked Linda to grab a quick bite with me at the food court downstairs and she acquiesced. Man, I couldn't believe my luck. I thought all the nice Black women in the City of Ottawa were either taken or worse, nonexistent.

We sat down and ate some delicious Italian pizza, and I learned a bit more about Linda Johnson. She was originally from the City of Detroit in the State of Michigan. I stared at her, amazed. An authentic African-American lady was sharing a meal with me inside Canada's paltry little capital. Wow. We don't get too many African-Americans up here. They prefer bigger cities like Toronto and Vancouver, and I can't say that I blame them. The moment I graduate from Carleton University I'm moving my ass to the City of Toronto. If not Toronto then definitely the City of Montreal. The City of Ottawa is too dull, too boring and too lacking in racial diversity for a smart brother like me. Linda was attending the University of Ottawa and kind of liked the City. That surprised me coming from her. I fell in love with the United States of America when I visited some family members of mine in the City of Miami, State of Florida. Sometimes I wish I was born there instead of damn City of Calgary in the Province of Alberta. Seriously. I couldn't figure out why Linda came to Canada. She told me that she came to the Great White North in search of a better life. I smiled at her. I could definitely respect that.

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