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Working with Trista Chapter 2

Bolt, being the salesman he is, started showing us the gags. It is amazing how many different kinds there are. He said that if Trista was going to use the crop or the paddle correctly, she may want one of these. She eventually chose a traditional ball-gag over a penis gag thankfully. Like I said; a good salesman.

Another couple, about in their late 30's came into the store and Bolt said hello to them before turning his attention back to Trista and explaining all the benefits of collars and their many uses. I didn't know how useful this was, but Trista picked one out regardless. It was black leather, had multiple D-rings on it, and could be locked on with a small lock. As far as my limited knowledge of collars went, it looked like a good selection.

Bolt asked if we needed anything else and Trista said she thought this should be enough for today, though we may be back tomorrow for something else. Bolt just laughed and said that'd be just fine. He rang us up and then said to Trista, "As you know, some of this stuff once used you can't exchange, but some, like the crop or paddle, that isn't a problem, same with cuffs. So if you want to try them out before you go, you can certainly feel free to do so."

Trista asked for more information and Bolt pointed her to where they had applied the device earlier by the dressing rooms or an open spot in the middle of the store. "We're sort of open-minded here if you hadn't noticed," he laughed.

Smiling Trista turned to me and said, "Yes we will try these out here, that's a great idea. He already earned a punishment earlier this afternoon so this will be a good time to administer it." To say I was against this would be an understatement, but Trista whispered in my ear, "Any whining about this will only make it worse, trust me."

I knew she wasn't kidding and so I followed her and Bolt to the area in the middle of the store, because of course, Trista couldn't pick the more private spot of the two. Once there, she asked Bolt his opinion and they whispered back and forth for a bit. Finally Trista turned to me with a grin.

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