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Unique Misadventure

second time, third time.. after the fouth time. he finally stopped.I had only cum twice, but he lifted his hand which was cupped full of my cum and rubbed it against my lips to his satifaction. when he pulled his cock out of my ass; I feel to the ground. I could feel his cum dripping out my ass as I sat there quietly. he began to put his pants on.

"I dont generally like guys, but I'll let you be a exception. besides my wife might complain if she only knew" he chuckled alittle then looked at me.
after a long moment of silence he pulled me up by the sink and started dig his fingers in my ass and pull out the cum. washing it with water. cleaning up his mess I guess. or feeling guilty about it.
"I'll be keeping this" waving my pink thong, sniffing it, then stuffing it in his jean pocket.
I diddnt respond, I was quiet, and really not trying to be talkative about what just happened. he turned me to face him. "awe comon, dont be tramatized by this. I thought it was great." petting my cheek before helping me put my pants back on.

then... he turned me just right..... before I kicked as hard as I could at his groin. as he fell to the floor. I took my panties out of his pocket as he wimpered in sudden agony as I bolted for the car, locking the doors, and driving off into the distance.... in a hurry of course.

when I got home... I took a shower. ate dinner.... took a shower, and went to bed. discusted.... or pleased.... to many mix feeling to really know.

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