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My life as a girl

To top it off, my own body doesn't know what to do with my out of place male organs. When soft, they disappear inside my groin as if to say, I am not really here.

They will pull up in me to the point where my hairless crotch will look like my sisters pussy lips. Talk about being really fucked up. My mind tells me that I am a girl at times and then will later remind me that I am a guy.

When I started growing breast it began to pose a problem for me at school so I began to wear a workout bra or tights to keep them hidden under baggy shirts.

My mom took me to the doctor one time when I was sick with the flue and while she was out of the room I asked him about my growing breasts. He told me that some young boys do experience it but that they go away eventually.

I asked him not to tell my mom and he complied with my request. Every morning I would get up and wrap myself and wear baggy clothes and I kept it a secret even with my family.

When it came to attending gym class in school I would have my gym clothes on under my other clothes and would just pull them off and then redress after class.

When the gym teacher began to dock my grade for not taking a shower so I found reasons to talk my parents in letting me home school.

So in the seventh grade I left school and was able to avoid problems I would have encountered. Thus my breasts remained my secret.

Mom and Dad both worked and so during the day I was the only one home and given certain chores to do such as laundry, mowing the lawn, cleaning the bathrooms in the house and other household chores. I would also help get my two younger sisters off to school.

One day I was cleaning Julie's bathroom and picking up her laundry to wash it, I began to wonder how I would look in her clothes; after all I knew we had the same body.

I undressed and started putting on her clothes. As soon as I slid on her silk panties I changed. The feel of them sliding up my legs and thighs and then over my butt was like nothing I felt before.

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