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A Special Girl Prologue

But she didn’t seem to care, she just kept on kissing him and feeling his chest. So he continued and the lace quickly gave way to bare leg, with the exception of the thin lacy strap of her suspender belt. He stopped there for a moment. The last time his hand had been this far up the front of her skirt, she had stopped him. So he waited for her to stop him again. But she didn’t. If anything she was pulling him on to her even more.

“I love you Alice!” He whispered to her as he started to let his hand cover those last few inches.

“Oh, and I love you too.” she replied breathlessly as his hand made first contact with the silky material of her knickers. But he knew right away something wasn’t right. It took a few seconds for it to dawn on him, but when it did, his hand shot out from under her dress and he pushed away from her, falling backwards to the floor. When he looked up at Alice his face had gone deathly pale.

“You’re…” He started then took a big gulp of breath. “You’re a boy!” Alice sat bolt upright on the sofa and looked down at him, eyes already beginning to well with tears.

“No I’m not!” She sniffed. “I’m a girl.”

“Don’t lie!” He snapped at her. “I felt your cock and everything.”

“That’s because I’m a Special Girl!” She said, fighting back the tears. “Mummy told me so!”

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