Free Stories

The Best Of Both Worlds
The best of both worlds Sandra Grosset climbed out of her bath, and began drying herself off with a huge fluffy bath towel. She had a big date with Greg, and she was really looking forward to it. Greg understood her, not only understood, but was very eager to fuck her. She had been spurned b... Read full Story
delicious virile male flesh
Tasted delicious virile male flesh… The breeze caressed my swollen nipples giving me pleasant shivers. The two glasses of Riesling had also contributed to my excitement. My crotch was burning as if the disappearing sun had blown all its thermal energy into me. Under my fine lace panties, purple o... Read full Story
Ladyboy orgy in Thailand
During one of my many nights in the sleaze capital of the world Pattaya, Thailand I was at a certain ladyboy bar all dressed up in my sexiest outfit that the "girls" had ask me to wear in as I had shown them some pics of me dressed. Not that I could ever hope to compete with any of them! ... Read full Story
Meranda James date
Vince rang my doorbell at about 7. I answer the intercom and I buzz and let him in. There were couple minutes and he was at my door. I opened the door and his eyes of hazel brown cut into me and sent a shiver up my spine. The look told me He like what he liked. He was about 5 foot 11 tall. I knew is... Read full Story
The Truckers Reststop
I had to work yesterday, it was Saturday,I had made plans to spend the day being the slutty little whore for the whole day, but work got in the way. I came home felt tried so I soaked in the tub, shaving my legs and puss yass and gurly clit. The weather was bad all day, when I finally decided to Fem... Read full Story
the lollipop intro
I'd just put on a pair of really short cut offs and a cut up t-shirt that was midriff and loose on the shoulders. I was shaved smooth all over and my long hair fell over my shoulders, making me look quite femmy. I drove down the interstate sucking on a lollipop feeling sexy all over. After a bit, I ... Read full Story
made to be his gurl
After waiting tables for a good 6 months, I had finally got myself clear and could maybe get myself back to California. But I wanted to get there with some money in hand, so to save the air fair I thought it would be fun to share an the ride with someone or ones. I put an ad on Craig’s list fo... Read full Story
Crossdress fuck
One day while at university I went to the toilet. There was some one in the next cubicle. I could see a shadow under the partition. It was moving back and fort very fast. Was he wanking? I started to feel horny thinking about it. As a cross-dresser i was wearing a satin night-dress under my clothes.... Read full Story
As I walked through the shop my heart raced. I was here for one reason. To buy women’s lingerie. I had always chickened out at the last second and was determined to go through with it today. I slowly made my way into the small shop browsing over nothing in particular when a older good looking ... Read full Story
A Savannah night
Crossdressed fully and very seductively in only fishnet thigh highs; hooker heels, g-string, garter belt, and bra, (all black), I had intentionally let the man walking around the motel parking lot see me. He'd stopped in his tracks, mouth open, and stared, as I stepped out onto my motel room balcony... Read full Story
Loving TS Sex
living in a medium size city 30 years ago, it was necessary to stay into the closet. That way of live is really still the reason why I never outed myself, even after years living in different bigger cities and several countries. I had acquired a taste for transsexuals, considering them the best o... Read full Story
First TS sex
I think I was near my 35Th birthday and, believe it or not I had never had experience with a transsexual. I had plenty adventures with men and liked it very much as well as with women. Decidedly I was completely bi. As I wrote in previous stories, I’m writing about near 30 years ago. It was... Read full Story
More TS sex
Some time passed since my first encounter with the lovely transvestite and I often remembered it in my lonely bed. But I couldn’t make the decision to seek her again. Maybe afraid from being seen, as she used to walk around near my office I started leaving office before dark. When I went ou... Read full Story
My Sister's First Bra
When I was growing up, I was very close to my mother and my sister. My Dad had skipped out on us when I was two. I really don't remember him at all, and to this day i don't ever want to see him again. It was only natural thatI did "girly" things instead of playing ball with the boys. I did... Read full Story
Lucky Afternoon
For the past few years I have had this urge to have sex with a man. After finding Xhamster The urge has gotten to the point where I was going to have to do something about it. I found a guy on this site who told me what to watch out for and the best places to meet someone. I do not like going to bar... Read full Story
I had gotten dolled up nice and slutty looking in my motel room, and had been internet chatting for a couple of hours, so I was feeling very sexy. All dressed up and nowhere to go in a small southern town. I peeked out my window and could see that the place looked pretty dead. No lights were on in t... Read full Story
Porn shop slut
I walked into the booth excited to use my new toy, while dressed in garters and sexy panties under my loose fitting jeans. I had just purchased a lovely new butt plug and could not wait to try it out on my pretend pussy. Taking my jeans down I deposited a token into the slot and got out my lube and... Read full Story
Shemales in Barcelona
Due to my job, I had the opportunity to travel a lot. Once I had to travel to Barcelona and the complexity of the meetings required that I had to stay there for about 2 weeks for consultations with customers. After long working hours, normally we went for a nice dinner (nothing better than begin the... Read full Story
I want you used!
I'd been Will's little CD slut every time that I'd overnighted in his city for about a year. That was one night every other week. He was always very good to me, bringing wine to my room and spoiling me with his gentleness as he had his way with me. He loved to have me lie still while he teased me al... Read full Story
Caught in the act
After my first encounter with John’s dick, I couldn’t get it out of my mind. Two weeks later we met at a friend’s party and we talked about it. He was worried his girl friend might find out. I told him he had noting to worry about as I had as much to lose as he had. But I also said... Read full Story
Practically gang at a sex club!
About 6 months ago I went to my local sex club in Sydney. It was only about 8pm and not much usually is going on at that time. On the 2nd story there is called the "Orgy Room" a place where people go and sit on the bed with no locked door and it's just first cum first served. I stuc... Read full Story
The Convoy
Several years back I was driving down I-95 south through South Carolina. I was dressed in fishnet thigh highs; platform heels, g-string, bra, all black. Over it was a black zip up the front mini dress. I had a hand held CB radio so that I could hear truckers talk about me as I passed them, and I'd b... Read full Story
A Trannie takes her first big black cock
Sitting on the lounge at my local sex club I was watching the guys go by. You get to notice certain guys going past trying not to look like they are checking you out on the sly (and vice versa) thinking how they can approach me. Normally it’s just the usual crowd of guys but several weeks a... Read full Story
I decided to try prostate milking today...
So last night when I was browsing the infinite collections on xhamster, i came across a video of a tranny ( <3 ) doing something called "prostate milking". I had never heard of this before so I click on the video to see what it is. First off the lady starring in this video was gorgeous,... Read full Story
Road trip in India
Well as it happened i had to go out of town for some work and since i was travelling alone in my car i carried my bra n panty with me. i had to go to delhi and i got free around 9 pm and i started the drive back to my place abt 3-4 hrs drive on the way ii stopped on the out skirts of Delhi on a dark... Read full Story
She became He
The day started as normal, wake up get dressed, have breakfast,but today was going to be anything but any normal day. I decided that i would take the day off work and visit a local sex cinema,i had never been to one before and was a bit aprehensive but i thought sod it let's just do it. Upon r... Read full Story
Been dreaming this for a while...
Been imagining an encounter with a hairy tall man, Been masturbating while I crossdress. Still a virgin analy but it might not last for long, an encounter will soon be coming. My perfect night would be this... Tall man ebters my hotel room, we talk, I am fully dressed in lingerie, black! High ... Read full Story
I posted a craigslist ad
8 years ago I began crossdressing again and playing with toys. After playing one day while watching videos online I decided I wanted to take the next step and be with a man again. My holes craved it but the butterflies in my stomach had stopped me before. Afraid they would do it again this time I go... Read full Story
One night I went to a different club to check things out. By now, I knew what I was looking for and where to find it. I was cruising the area with several bars for people with my kind of preferences you know women with more to offer a man. I parked out in the lot and began to walk in as I did ... Read full Story
Weekend visitor recalling of an experience dressed in a swimsuit didnt seem too popular so perhaps you may prefare the story of a weekend visitor I once had. It was 1981 and I had just got my own place, a nice modern 1 bed flat.Apart from bedsits as a teen this was my first real place of my own. In these... Read full Story
My First threesome Part 2
After Ray's step-mother put make-up on me and fixed my already long hair she had me looking like a young sissy boy, that's saying a lot because I was 23 at the time. She then had me slip out of the outfit Ray had given and put me in a red throng and matching garter belt and bra. She had me wear blac... Read full Story
The Fuck that would never end
This is a short story k? I went to Italy to visit my cousin Lance and he showed me around and some of the guys hit on me but when the day was over i layed on the couch and fell asleep... about 3 hours later... I woke up on a stool tied up and saw my cousin nude infront of me with a HUGE COCK! and... Read full Story
My life so far
Just woke in bed wearing nothing but a pair of very sheer stockings. its about noon and last night was fun but a little rough on my clothes I can see. The stockings have a run and more then a few stains. I get up from my bed and the stockings slip gently to my ankles. I kind of like the feeling .... Read full Story
Transvestite in trouble Part 1
i pulled up on the pub's carpark. I was nervous, i'd been speaking with Andrew for about 2 months online and for 2 weeks on the phone, we'd always end up jerking off when we spoke. it was during these chats that i'd told him of my fantasy. The one where i'm overpowered and forced. I was dressed a... Read full Story
Helping a friend
Anna has been working in my office for a year now. I have never heard her talk about a boy or girl firend. Anna is 5'7'', long legs, light brown hair almost to her waist, very pretty. I have always talked to her, had lunch, but she had never opened up until she needed some help..... Anna had boug... Read full Story
Caught again
So I’m finding it hard to get privacy to dress up of late. So I decide to go down the country and rent out a holiday home for a weekend. I brought all my gear including make-up,and wig. When i arrived at the holiday park I entered the reception area. Behind the counter was a pretty women named... Read full Story
Helping a Friend Part 2
I had seen Anna at work for the past two weeks…not a word of what happened at her house, when I fixed her sink. What a great night that was……………the night I found out she was a shemale! I fantasized about Anna all the time, yet nothing from her. It was our s... Read full Story
Matthew’s Return Part 2
I awoke early the next morning with the sensation of my cock being sucked. I opened my sleep fogged eyes and saw Matthew's bobbing head slowly coming into focus. I exhaled a deep sigh. He was a great cocksucker. Standing nearby was Kayla looking a little less forelorn than last night. Her fingers... Read full Story
Working Away From Home
Im an engineer by trade and my job sometimes takes me to different parts of the country, customers want me to design a specific peice of machinery for them. I had an appointment with a firm just on the outskirts of Manchester, my company had booked me into a nice hotel for 3 nights whilst i was u... Read full Story
Saturday at the Park
Saturday afternoon at about 3PM I left a bar after lunch and a few drinks. On my way home I passed a park that typically is crowded but today there weren't many cars so I went back. In the park I saw a few people at the entrance but no cars parked in the back half. I parked on the side of the roa... Read full Story
To share my taste...
For as long as nobody owns me, You can consider me as a public slut, going from dildos to dildos, from cocks to cocks... until i find the right person to stay with. I love oral very much! I love licking pussies, assholes, dicks and strapons. My mouth is my main active/passive sexual organ when it... Read full Story
"You're not seriously gonna leave me like this are you?" Daddy Mike said as he waved his now hard (again) cock back and forth. I stood on wobbly legs as I had still not gotten used to walking in the heels daddy bought for me. "Daddy I gotta go to class, you already fucked me twice.... Read full Story
Daddy's little bitch
As a young boy growing up I always had a fetish for dressing up like a girl. When I was 20yo I had my first experience with an older man, Tony a man in his 70s. I met him through a phone chat line and we seemed to hit it off right away. He told me that he would buy me some clothes and lingerie to we... Read full Story
Taken Care of My Lovers Cousin Part 2
It was about ten Saturday morning when I woke from my slumber, Joliet was still lodged in my anus her/his penis soften but gripped by my anal sphincter muscle. I looked around and could not see James, I began to feel my aching butt hole. Even with Joliet's cock stuck in my butt, I could still feel t... Read full Story
Night With A HOT Sissy!
June 28th, 2009. End of senior year of high school. I, Angus Corleon, actualy graduated. I wasn't a model student. I've been a leather jacket wearing, rebel rousin, beer drinkin, hell raisin son of a bitch since middle school. My parents didnt care about me, after all my brother is a cop and my sist... Read full Story
State Park Night Life ...
I was honey as all get out and showed up at the State Park in Quincy Ma, ready for some man on man action. All cumers were welcome. No rules on age, color, or size. I wanted dick. Stiff hard dick. And yes a creamy facial was on my list. The sun was just going down, and some old guy drove by my car a... Read full Story
What I think about as I masturbate and watch these
As I sit here with cock in hand watching these beautiful girls take large cumshots in their mouths and all over their faces I cant help but think how hot it would be to be in their shoes.. I am a straight man with a tendency to fantacize about taking a load on the face and in the mouth. I do like to... Read full Story
The best sister ever
From birth I have always had a thing for my youngest sister.She pranced around the house like an angel and the day everything changed is when I was 10 and she was 11 and we were both home alone. She was "old enough" to look after me according to my mother and my parents left for thier meal... Read full Story
Husband and wife used by Mr. Big Black Cock
We had decided to take a trip to Vegas and spend some alone time together.. We started off with dinner, then went to hit the tables.. My husband was on a winning streak. He was up at least $1500. I whispered into his ear have fun I'll be in that cute little shop. ok? Then his luck ran out.. and befo... Read full Story
The best sister ever Part 3
As always yes my sister is a shemale and yes this is all true every word of it. So since we have formed our new relationship we have been fucking not stop for about 4 years now so im 14 and my sister is 16 years old. I have now a thick 6" hard cock and my sister has a huge 7 1/2" cock a... Read full Story
Christmas time
This Christmas I spent time with my Black master. We decided it would be fun to crash at his pad and have some fun together. Yes, we had sex again but I found even more kinky then before. When we met up we greeted like typical guy friends. Walked in and talked like always. Soon sex came up and I pro... Read full Story
Sissy lola gets a treat
Last night was my first night as a sissy maid for my beautiful goddess maureen and i have been instructed to tell you what a dirty little cock sucking whore i have been. I have known goddess maureen for a while now, she has been giving me instructions via webcam. She would make me flog myself or ... Read full Story
Worshipping Carla's Cock
I am a closeted bisexual. I have been since I was an adolescent. These days I have a secret regular lision with a south american transexual who is 20 years younger than I am. When we date, she dresses in full feminine attire, a black minidress, silk stockings with a suspender belt, and heels. ... Read full Story
Ass Training Fun
Some year ago I was doing a lot of cross-dressing, I had all the gear. I slowly collected everything - buying it all over the internet. I had some lovely dresses, glorious underwear, stockings, wigs, shoes and a big pile of make-up. I was feeling like such a girl and the yearning for cock was gettin... Read full Story
Charlie had always been a curious kid growing up. So naturally when he got his very own computer, he was bound to explore. As Charlie turned 18 and was a senior in high school, he finally found something that really excited him. He saw a woman using a strapon on a man, who seemed to love it. Charlie... Read full Story
Neigbor meets Paula for first time
TRUE STOREY HAPPEN TODAY....Well I moved back to Va. after 11 yrs and bought a home. the house next to mine was small and empty for a good while.Oneday I seen olderman over there well he bought it an fixed it up n moved in. After 9 months of us living next door to each other and talking I never a... Read full Story